❤️🧡🩵💚THANK YOU🩷💛🩵💜 to the wonderful new owner of this nuthatch pair. It’s because of you that artists like me survive. Only 3 #oakdwellers remain available. Seems like they’ll probably be gone soon at this rate.

🩷💚🩵🧡THANK YOU @_._meela_._ ❤️💜💛🧡 a very dear long, long time friend for supporting my work. You make the world go round. Your “feathered” friend will be coming home to you very soon

such gentle furry friends. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️THANK YOU @pat_riot_art ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ for your generous support and love. Right back atcha

❤️❤️THANK YOU @michonsandersart & Breanna, a longtime friend from Vashon, for purchasing three of these little prowlers. On the prowl! Four more are still out there, looking for homes!!!

little baby 🐛caterpillar, for your pleasure. I only made a few of these and I won’t make more. Now available at my link, and on view in Seattle til Monday @nwfgs @hg_organics

🐛caterpillars: hand-made, available at my link, and on view now in Seattle with the HomeGrown Organics @hg_organics installation at the NW Flower & Garden Festival.