#givingtuesdaynow because I’m just an artist trying to survive and make a living. I’m not a corporation. I have no employees, pension plan or stock options. I’m just trying to break even here, people, and keep on keepin on. If you’re not supporting me, consider supporting another independent working artist (and NOT a middle man) on this #givingtuesday. We make the best holiday gifts (if you can’t - or won’t make them yourself)
You get half off anything I have available including my #TrashTalkingArt pieces. Enter MIKE2024 at checkout
Listen, I’m not messing around. This is a rare opportunity to own a piece of my work. I’ve never offered a wholesale discount on my work before. I might not do it again
not fooling around here. This is serious. And I won’t do this again any time soon. Do it now if you’ve been thinking about something.
Enter discount code MIKE2024 at checkout
offering a discount on everything listed in my shop until the end of the year, including many Trash Talking works.
Think gifts. Think about supporting artists. I’m making more than 50 pieces available at steep cuts. Think about someone you love. You’ll find something in my inventory for them.
it really wasn’t that long ago. Somehow the show & this Summer feel a world away. I keep flashing back to the moment in the middle of my opening when @brianquist broke news to me that Trump was shot the first time. Another time & place. Thank you @hifructosemag for shedding such great light on a body of #TrashTalkingArt work that I truly poured all of myself into.
Just fyi, I’ll offer a studio sale for the holiday season pretty soon, but then after that I’m gonna take a media diet for a while and return early in the new year with a new project I’m working on. Not politics, action figure or pop culture related at all. Stay tuned
thank you to Hi Fructose for so much coverage, and thank YOU because I know many of you saw the article @hifructosemag both online and in print, and there was another beautiful round of orders that came through my shop after the printed version came out. Yall rule
really honored to get such an amazing spread in a publication I really love, produced by great people I really like. Please support your independent publications, people. They’re all hanging by a thread. All journalism, as we know, is under fire. Anything covering art is even more at risk. @hifructosemag is one of the only ones left. Keep it alive.
the splotchy last stage before filling in the last rounds of acrylic to firm this guy up and make him more robust
color & richness filling in. I can’t say Norman’s really helped me turn the corner yet. I feel like a lot of the wounds of the past few years that were healing have been ripped open. Feeling very raw.
Norman will emerge, hopefully to help us all. Color first, then character. Background first, then foreground. Everything’s a metaphor right now. Everything’s one step at a time. Like every time I had a really bad break up, or lost my pops, certain songs on the radio just really stabbed like a knife. It’s like 70 million of us just got dumped or lost a loved one. I know I’m in the denial stage of grief right now.
No idea what to say about the election yet. I know what I feel and it’s no good. I was gonna post these process pics of a small Norman drawing I was commissioned to make for a client. Hard to manufacture hope on a day like this, so maybe Norman can do it. Really not trying to be trite here. Just posting a drawing I was working on - a cute colorful cartoon character will emerge in this
it’s my birthday & I want 1 present: I want one of you good followers who’s utterly convinced that voting won’t matter to reconsider your stance and vote in this election.
As if this image isn’t enough. This a drawing our 5 year old did by herself, inspired by the golden Kamala’s, with zero parental input. Note the signature. Framed it herself with a frame she made (swipe for it).
If a 5 year old can do it, you can find the motivation too. Swallow the pride, let the cynicism rest a moment, find a hope and wish me a happy 47th with a new 47th President.
painted this to hang on our fence. Because of where we live, in person, this one’s to motivate a deep blue rural pocket of the country.
For anyone out there who’s all “nothing’s-gonna-change” or “it-won’t-make-a-difference”, maintaining this apathy is harder than voting. It’s like getting a 5 year old to eat their dinner. A toddler will expend astounding amounts of energy manufacturing ways to avoid a simple task.
Register if you haven’t. Vote if you have. Don’t be a toddler. We have enough already.
Happy HalloGOVOTENOWPEOPLE. Don’t fear the beast. We can beat this monster. He’s not invincible. It just takes a bit of faith. It’s inside you. I know it is. You have the strength and power to vote the ultimate troll out of office.
📣LASTCHANCE🔔 donating $24 from each Rotten Trump to Dems in Arizona & NC. When she wins, I’ll probably burn any I have left. There’s only 5 at the moment.
Please vote now - early - if you can. Please vote. Vote vote vote vote.
And if you think it doesn’t matter… there will come a moment when you see how good governance helps people, and you’ll regret taking your voting privilege for granted. I know I did.
So just do it. Jury duty & taxes are hard. Voting (AND registering) is easy.